Mindful Relationships eBook

Mindful Relationships eBook


This book is the culmination of decades working with couples who have come to me wanting a better relationship. Most of them come with the lament, “We don’t know how to communicate with each other.” And, the ones who come with different issues find that at the root of the problem is an inability to communicate.

Initially, at the beginning of love, we talk about all kinds of things. Our hopes, dreams…our days…our disappointments…our successes. Yet, over time, life seems to get in the way. We get busy. Our work becomes more challenging. Kids come along. And, we have too little time. We are tired. Conversations are mostly about who is taking care of which responsibility. The connection between us becomes thin. Arguments become more frequent. As the years roll on, we begin to think we don’t even know each other.

Let's fix that.
