Successful Relationships

Diane Strausser

Successful Relationships


Learn the Skills to Improve All of Your Relationships

We take a totally fresh look at relationships.  As you know relationships can be the most exciting or the most frustrating aspect of our lives and there is no instruction manual.  That’s okay because we’re here to help you learn the skills you need to improve all of your relationships.


Successful relationship store

& eBooks

Our success in all relationships requires us to be ever mindful of our speech, of our thoughts, of our actions, and our intentions. Being a loving partner, parent, friend, or co-worker bears much fruit in our lives. The Successful Relationship store is filled with very intentional products + tools that will help you as you walk through various relationships and the challenges + joys they bring. 

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“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

-Amanda Gorman


Diane’s Blog

Every week I write a blog post to give you inspiration. My hope is that these brief messages will inspire you to focus on the most important aspect of your life..your relationships. It all begins with you. How you think. What you say. How you behave. Want me to write about something specific? Just send me a message.


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Therapy Services

Create the life you want now!
As human beings, we often find ourselves in a transitional space, we may be in that foreign place because of relocation, job change, divorce, illness, or unexpected changes in what our lives were supposed to be.  



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.


Meditation Resources

I’ve been a meditation teacher for years and often people just don’t know where to start. The following list of meditation aids will help you find just what you need to get you started and keep you going with your mediation practice.

Want to know more about setting up your own practice, just send me an email.

Happy sitting!


Diane’s Inspirations

My personal goal is to find something that inspires me every day. It may be sitting in the garden. It might be a book or a podcast...a movie or a poem. I get excited when I am challenged and informed. What gives me joy is sharing those things that are a source of inspiration for me. So here you go...


“Tell me,
what is it you plan to do
with your one
wild and precious life?”

 ― Mary Oliver


Meet Diane

Diane Strausser, the expert on relationships and couples dynamics, is a successful therapist, and author. She has spoken for both local and national conferences on people, relationships, and conflict. Creator of Love & Laughter Cards, Facilitator of Bexley, Ohio Listening Sessions with Citizens, and author of countless resources for couples everywhere. In private practice for more than twenty-five years, her passion is helping people to create the happy, healthy, and lasting relationships they have always wanted. She has dedicated her life’s work to this end.

Learn the skills to improve all of your relationships because when you learn skills in the context of fun you own those skills for life.
— Diane Strausser